Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Lies We Told Our Daughters

Yet another in a long list of female friends has asked me way men can’t commit. So I am gonna lay this out one good time, so if I am ever asked again I can kindly refer the young lady to


In short, the answer to the question is simple. From birth men are thought to hunt. We are told the world and everything in it is yours to conquer including women. My son, you have been craved in the image of you father and of his father and so on and so forth to God. We (men) all believe we are reflections of God himself.


When a man or boy comes home, to his family the first question after, “How have you been?” is “How have the girls been treatin you?”. This is asked not only by the men in his life but by the women as well. Mothers and Fathers instill this within there sons. Extended commitment can rarely be given until a man in his heart feels he has conquered as much as he can. Honestly, I believe no man can ever be fully satisfied with himself; he knows there is always more out there.


Now, to the lie. Women are told, encouraged and pushed onto this ideal that they must find a partner at all cost. My daughter, you are but a half you must find he who completes you. Don’t let him go. Like him, then love him and by no mean let him go. Commitment has always been in baby girls mind, but why? Simple, mothers are simply reverberating what they have always been told. Fathers, and this is the far more interestingly, know, they know what they have been told and what they told their sons and they know the hunter is out their and it would pain them to see their daughter be but a conquest.


I am sorry my girl, for I to shall lie to you.

1 comment:

flowerbringer said...

i would like to be referred to by name, not as a friend