Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Liar Liar Pants on Fire


So for the first time in a long time I got caught up in a lie. Nothing big, a no harm no foul type of thing. Instead of riding out the lie to the end I decided to fess up and own the lie.


Now, let ask the question, why do we lie and is it justified?


Personally, (I say this because I haven’t done the scholarship on the matter) I lie for both necessity and for shits and giggles. Often times I find that a given situation warrents a manipulation of the truth. You know one has to spare feelings from time to time. I am not speaking of telling someone they look nice when they don’t, that just pretentious bullshit. I am speaking of the situation when a simply lie can be the difference between crushing someone puny world and keep them floating. Other times, a few lies can keep me in good spirits as I watch peoples heads explode.


Controlling your life is key to you survival. Lying is one of those tools that we can use to do this. We all seem to operate on an individual basis, thus there crucial tools of manipulation become vital. But is this justified? I’d say only when it serves to your advantage. Is that morally right, no of course not, but one owes it to ones self to operate in his or her best interest right?

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