Friday, October 3, 2008

Baby Gap Shits

I think when I hit 20 I went insane. Infuckingsane. It's all society's fault. I blame society because they low key tell women that their biological clocks are ticking and they need to find and marry an eligible man with high-earning potential to ensure the most glorious life possible. All of my ambitions have always been anti-that sentiment, but somewhere and somehow between late August and now I seem to have bought into this notion and some strange series of events led me to be looking at childrens and maternity clothes on The shits are cute don't get me wrong, but damn. That's a slippery slope to fall down and as a friend pointed out to me now I'm just out here pressed..The whole "blaming it on society" thing was a joke though because I, like Governor Palin, believe wholeheartedly in the notion of "personal responsibility".

I have this crazy flaming liberal public policy professor who is quite insightful albeit vulgar..anyways my point is that the overarching theme of the class is that we're supposed to step out of our comfort zones as ideologues and use facts to attempt to solve present day issues of public policy. Take the financial crisis, for example: You have Republicans who have always been advocates of free markets and that the government should keep their hands out of Americans' business yet that attitude (of the Bush Administration) and deregulation are what have us in the mess we're in. Now, despite any and every piece of evidence that points to the contrary, many would like to allow the free market to sort out all of this mess and furthermore haven't an inkling to admit that those concepts have only worstened the crisis. Plus we've got Sarah Palin out here like "Oh boy if we could only just get all the corrupt, greedy mfs on Wall Street out everything would be a-ok. You betcha!" Fool.

I always get to these points where I have to digress and circle back to my original intent so ima do that right Basically, I think I let my ideologies get in the way of the facts, and the truth is that I can't do it all. I don't think anyone can without having to make some types of sacrifices either personally or professionally. That doesn't mean that what we do actually decide to do won't be great- it probably will. Blackmon pointed out how fast 8 years goes by by comparing it to the fact that 8 years ago I was in 8th grade and has it seemed like 8 years since then; not really. Sometimes I do with I was back in the day when things were cool, but with age comes new responsibility and new opportunity and whether we like it or not there comes a time when you just gotta grow the f up.

1 comment:

Blackmon said...

I would like to be refered to by name, not as a friend