Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Wifey in training...

Let me start by saying that I actually hate the word "wifey" and hearing people use it irks me. But it just seemed so fitting for the title of this post...

Is it strange that I feel like right now in my life is the perfect time to prepare for being a wife and mother? I actually think my body releases endorphins when I perform domestic duties. Something about the smell of pine-sol and the gloss of a newly cleaned surface puts me in this happy place. And don't get me started on cooking. I feel really accomplished when my dishes are washed within an hour of me eating what I've just cooked. I don't mind accepting traditional gender rolls as long as I know it's an option. I mean when I'm married I WANT to be able to have food on the table for my husband when he gets home from work in the evening and I WANT to keep a clean a house. But there needs to be a mutual understanding that I don't HAVE to do these things and at any time the duties can become a shared responsibility.

The idea of being a wife and mother really excites me. Like more than any career or job I want to be a wife and mother, but not necessarily a stay at home mother. I feel like some feminist women would frown upon such views. But I think it's all about options and this just happens to be one option I would take!


Inspirational! He liked it and he put a RING on it...clearly not that one cause it's on the wrong finger...but you get the idea.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

loved thisss!!!!